Episode 17 - Ty Vaughn (Broadway Calls)


This was recorded on 5/25/20.

Ty Vaugn of Broadway Calls joins me to shoot the shit! We talk about his journey as a songwriter, our first tour together (menzingers first west coast tour), and what the future holds for our wild ass times.

MORE IMPORTANTLY!!!: Broadway Calls’ new record “Sad in the City” comes out on Red Scare July 10th!!! That’s two weeks!!

@BroadwayCalls on socials!

Listen or watch below! On iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play.

A YO! Someone you’d like to see as a guest on the podcast? Hit me up on social media or fire an email over to Tom@futurefriday.net

Intro song by Pat Brier, you can check out Queen Jesus here!

Produced by Beth Ann Downey and Mixed and Mastered by the GREAT Andy Clark.

If you’d like to get in touch you can email me or bother Scott Bell or Danielle which is how it will probably go down.